MR. E | JULY 30, 2023

City warns of mysterious "discolored water", coincidently insists new water fountain at park is not a "chemical engineering program"

                    Believers, we have heard these words time and time again from faceless organizations, and the government. Phrases like “standard procedure”, “routine maintenance”, “nothing to see here”, and “no comment”. But we ask you, what exactly do that even mean? Have we become so complacent that we no longer question authority, no longer seek the truth? Luckily for you, we did all the questioning so you don’t have to!


                On Friday Mayor of Streator, Tara Bedei, shared a press release from “Illinois AmericanWater” who holds a monopoly on the city’s water supply.  “Our crews will begin routine flushing of the water distribution system in your area 7/24/2023 through 8t/11/2023 to provide you with high-quality water service. Flushing in your area will occur between the hours of 8:00am and 3:00pm”


                One may wonder exactly what this “routine flushing” entails, and the company is quick to provide a carefully crafted cover story. “Flushing also allows us to test and maintain fire hydrants. When crews are working in your area, you may notice reduced pressure or discolored water.” The company says. Notice the last two words, “discolored water”. Some people may see this as just a side effect of “routine maintenance” but we made connections nobody else saw!


                Later that same day, the Mayor posted about a new water fountain installed at Marilla Park, and the connections start to become obviously clear: They are putting chemicals in the water! But to what nefarious end? Long time conspiracy theorist Alex Jones warns “They are putting chemicals in the water turning the friggin’ frogs gay”, but we don’t think that is the case in this situation. To get you the answers you deserve, we obtained a secret sample of the water for testing. The results were shocking!


                We found no evidence of any contamination in the town’s water supply! It really makes one wonder, how could the city be so covert, so ingenious, to somehow contaminate the water supply and leave absolutely no trace!? To get further information, we meet with an anonymous man in a trench coat in an underground parking structure to get the answers!


                “Project Marilla Gorilla is a go, Mayor Bedei ordered it herself.” The anonymous government agent said to our investigators. “This goes far beyond simple alligators in the sewers, It’s deeper than anyone realizes” they continued.  When asked what exactly “Project Marilla Gorilla” was, he was hesitant to answer. “I have already said too much” they said before vanishing into the night.


                It may not be the conclusion you were hoping for, but it’s more of an ending then a lot of our cases. Rest assured we will continue to investigate this, and other mysteries here in Streator. In the meantime we are left with this advice from a whistleblower inside the company. “If your water is discolored, run the cold water taps only, at the lowest level of the house for about 3 to 5 minutes until the water runs clear. If discolored water occurs please also refrain from doing laundry during that time”


                Streator Mysteries is a nonprofit paranormal journalist organization. Our stories are based on independent investigations, anonymous sources, and eye witness accounts, thus should be taken with a grain (or shaker) of salt. For legal reasons we consider ourselves a “parody” news source, but the truth is out there if you are willing to look for it. Streator Mysteries, answering the questions nobody is asking.

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