Is Your Neighbor An Alien?

Report Your Neighbor!

Aliens, Angels, Ghosts, Witches, Vampires, and Goblins too! Report them here!

Do you have a sneaky suspicion that your neighbor, friend, family member, or even loved one might be an alien!? Let us investigate it for you!

Not only will we out the potential alien, our expert detectives, along with the newest cutting edge software, will get to the bottom of the case!

We ask that before you report the suspected extra terrestrial, you are at least somewhat sure that they are indeed an Alien. We like to use the 40 rule. (Are you at least 40% sure?).

Remember, they walk among us.If you see something, say something! Only you can prevent alien abductions!

All potential aliens are presumed human until proven otherwise in a court of law.

Official reporting form