MR. E | NOVEMBER, 2023

Streator Kroger Evacuates Over Supposed “Gas Leak”


                BREAKING – Streator Kroger grocery store closes due to, what is claimed to be, a gas leak. While the city played it’s part, as usual, this was nothing more than theatrics to sell the government cover up.  It is no surprise there is more to the story, but what is a surprise is exactly what firefighters found inside, or rather, underneath the Starbucks.


                An employee at the store who was present at the time, reports a much different story than the main stream media. “There have been strange creeks and groans coming from the backroom for the last few weeks. I brought it up to management, but they assured me there was no worries.” The employee said.  But the foreshadows soon stepped into the light today as a loud crash shook the store and shocked employees and customers alike. A large sinkhole formed in the floor and gasps of whirling wind and and howls filled the air.


                Moments beforehand, a customer was ordering their typical Triple Shot of Rich Espresso Bliss infused with Madagascar Vanilla Bean Syrup, topped with a dollop of Whipped Cream and sprinkled with Callebaut Chocolate Shavings, when they noticed some strange behavior from the barista. As they reached the tip portion of the transaction, the employee locked eyes with the customer in a dead stare. “Her eyes began to glow bright red, she snarled at me and was foaming and drooling from the mouth. When it came time to get my drink, she just kept calling for someone named Zuul, even though I was the only customer then. That’s when I felt the ground shake and heard the crash.” Says an average Starbucks customer.


                Last week Streator citizens witnessed an earthquake. Though rare, they are not completely unheard of in the community, however there is a clear trail of paranormal activity that follows each seismic event. Local paranormal researchers have noticed the convenient timing of the event at Kroger and the quake which has lead to many to connect the dots. Is it possible that the ground murmur opened up gates to another realm that has been quietly lying dormant beneath the frozen burritos for centuries?


                When Streator Mysteries arrived on scene in the mystery mobile, there were customers rushing from the building shouting about ghosts and creatures flying through the air and chasing them. These reports were later explained away by local authorities as “hallucinations” caused by the gas leak, but not everyone is convinced. The damage was quickly repaired in less than an hour, no doubt funded by “Big Grocery” a notorious shadow organization that has been gaining a lot of negative attention in the news lately due to the rising cost of food.


                So how is an earthquake, a supposed gas leak, and rapid inflation all connected? The average person would say they are not, but we are far from average. You only have to connect a few dots to see a web of paranormal activity, lies, and decit. We don’t know exactly what it all means, but we do know one thing for sure, something big is coming to Streator.


                Streator Mysteries is a nonprofit paranormal journalist organization. Our stories are based on independent investigations, anonymous sources, and eye witness accounts, thus should be taken with a grain (or shaker) of salt. For legal reasons we consider ourselves a “parody” news source, but the truth is out there if you are willing to look for it. Streator Mysteries, answering the questions nobody is asking.

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