MR. E | JULY 21, 2023

Local Boy Falls Into Pothole, Discovers Alternate Dimension.

“He is ok, just a bit shaken up, and glad to be home” A source close to the family says about an unnamed local boy who wishes to remain anonymous. The boy is safe now, home with his family.


                For the boy, the day was like any other summer day. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and he was playing with the neighborhood kids. As the afternoon got late however, the sky started to grey and rain began to fall. “I knew my mom would want me to come home.” The boy said, but his venture home would be soon interrupted as he stumbled into a large pothole located somewhere on Otter Creek. The boy’s world would soon be turned upside down when he emerged from said pothole.


                “I knew I wasn’t in Streator anymore” The boy said. He describes the world he emerged in as strangely familiar, like a dream. “Everything was different, but kind of the same.” He said. According to the boy’s description the sun was shining in this world, the sound of ice cream truck music echoed in the distance, and families were all playing outside dressed in 1960’s attire. “When I fell into the hole it was raining, but when I came out the sun was shining.” After spending some time talking to the local kids, it became apparent that this was not the boy’s home.


                Scared and confused the boy quickly tried to run back home, but as luck would have it, he stumbled into another pothole. This time he was not transported to another world, but transported back to his original dimension.  When asked about his experience he said “The other world was scary, I didn’t see anyone on their phone. The kids didn’t even have Tik Tok!”


                The boy’s parents informed the city of Streator public works about the pothole, but the boy is unsure exactly where it was located. The city of Streator did not immediately respond to our questions about the dangers posed by potholes in residential neighborhoods.


                Streator Mysteries is a nonprofit paranormal journalist organization. Our stories are based on independent investigations, anonymous sources, and eye witness accounts, thus should be taken with a grain (or shaker) of salt. For legal reasons we consider ourselves a “parody” news source, but the truth is out there if you are willing to look for it. Streator Mysteries, answering the questions nobody is asking.



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