MR E. | JAN, 2024

Have you been dreaming of this man!?


                 “He is just standing there, everytime I go to sleep.” Says one local Streator citizen, but it is a statement we have been hearing more and more over the last few weeks. In fact, when we logged in today, we had over 100 messages about this man everyone is seeing in their dreams. So, who exactly is he? And why are so many people dreaming about him?


                We managed to track down this man in real life, and were surprised to find he is an extraordinarily average man. He’s really unremarkable in nearly every way save for the fact everyone seems to recognize his face. He looks to be in his 50’s, has no hair on the top of his head but around the sides and back, and a graying beard. He has thick square framed glasses and his face is often frozen in an unusual expression.


                The dreams started strangely yet innocently enough, there you are having a fairly average dream, and then he appears. Whether you are running through the woods, floating in the sky, or building a go kart with your ex land lord, the “dream man” just wanders onto the scene. He doesn’t say anything, or even have any particular reaction to your dream. He is just there. Some say they even reached out to him for help in their nightmares, but he just continues to stand there, watching.


                While the dreams started as a mostly harmless (and in one case sexual) phenomenon, it wasn’t long before people started to report a darker turns to their dreams. They were no longer having dreams, but nightmares, and the “dream man” went from an innocent watcher to a hunter. We have received dozens of reports that this man has started to stalk and torture those whose dreams he visits. The messages got worse the more we read them. Some have even started a support group to deal with the trauma of being visited by the “dream man” in nightly nightmares. Some have gone so far as to call him “Freddy Kruger”.


                Many are now calling for a boycott and exile of this man, though realistically he hasn’t done anything wrong in real life. It’s understandable that he is also a victim of this out of control phenomenon, but the general public have been less than sympathetic to the man who has been haunting their dreams. “It’s a bit of a moral gray area”. Says his employer. “We can’t just fire him from his job, as he hasn’t violated any of our company policies. However we understand the people are not comfortable seeing him in the workplace, and we have to take that into consideration.”


                We will continue to update our readers as the situation develops. In the meantime we recommend you seek professional counseling if you are experiencing consistent nightmares as well as consulting your doctor for medical advice. If you have had a dream or nightmare about this man, feel free to share it with us.


                Streator Mysteries is a nonprofit paranormal journalist organization. Our stories are based on independent investigations, anonymous sources, and eye witness accounts, thus should be taken with a grain (or shaker) of salt. For legal reasons we consider ourselves a “parody” news source, but the truth is out there if you are willing to look for it. Streator Mysteries, answering the questions nobody is asking.

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