Mothman Terrorizes Motorists on Aqueduct Bridge, First Sighting in Years

 We all know that Mothman has been a story of ancient folklore for decades, and you can confidently say that even if he was real he wouldn’t come to terrorize the people of Streator, right?

A local construction worker and his wife went out for an evening ride on their motorcycle with their beloved dog in the side car. As they approached the aqueduct they heard a bark loud enough to hear over their engine. His wife checked on their pup, only to see that his attention was unbreakable as he stared in the direction of the trees. “All we could hear other than the bike, was the sound of water so we really thought nothing of it, but he’s never this reactive so we pulled over thinking he was stressed out from the ride.” After taking a minute to convince their companion that they were safe, they attempted to turn on their vehicle.

His wife goes on to explain that as they fought with the bike to get it up and running again, they heard a “wooshing” sound off in the distance. As they looked up, they seen a terrifying 10ft tall figure flying towards them. “It came from the forest, and in that moment we knew we should’ve kept driving. I remember seeing these big red eyes, and huge wings. I’ve never been so scared in my life.” said the construction worker who wishes to remain anonymous.

As they watched the figure approach them, frozen in fear they let their beloved companion attempt to scare it off, but then it suddenly swooped down. “It dive bombed us. I think it was trying to get his barking to stop, It definitely wasn’t happy that we were there. We quickly figured out it was time to go.” Soon after, with the screams of his wife motivating him, he got the bike up and running. They recalled driving off with such speed, they felt their tires leave a mark on the path. “We’re a little shaken up, but we’re okay, and we definitely won’t be going back”

Mothman was last sighted in 2016, when one woman reported walking through the same area, playing music on a speaker. She was then dived bombed by a red eyed, 10ft tall figure with “the wing span of a demon.” Could this be mothman? Most importantly, do we have anything to fear? Other than torn up tires for those who disturbed the beast and left in a panic, we have had no reports of injuries. However take caution as you pass through with noisy equipment, it is highly recommended you stay vigilant as this is the only correlation we could find between each case.

                Streator Mysteries is a nonprofit paranormal journalist organization. Our stories are based on independent investigations, anonymous sources, and eye witness accounts, thus should be taken with a grain (or shaker) of salt. For legal reasons we consider ourselves a “parody” news source, but the truth is out there if you are willing to look for it. Streator Mysteries, answering the questions nobody is asking.

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