MR. E | OCTOBER, 2023

Shape-Shifting Police Officer Looking For Local Streator Boy

                  You may have seen him diligently searching your neighborhood, but unless you have seen the boy he is looking for, we recommend you stay out of his way, because he is on a mission! Seemingly uninterested in other crimes, he remains focused on finding a local Streator boy.

                “He walk right through a car crash, didn’t stop to file a report or anything.” A local man said. “Now that I think of it, he might have even been the cause of the accident.” One thing is for sure, this police officer is dedicated to his mission. “He isn’t the most personable officer, I tried to report a bike theft, and he just showed me a picture and asked me if I had seen some kid. When I said no, he just walked off. He wouldn’t even listen to my complaint!” Another local said.

                One has to wonder what this boy must have done to gain such notoriety with the Streator Police department. It is likely he is involved in some of the recent vandalism in town, but does that really require such a laser focused response? He must be pretty important, the head of an organized child crime ring of sorts, but of course this is just speculation on our part.

                “He doesn’t eat, or sleep. It’s just plain weird.” A fellow officer said about their new co-worker. “He was a ride-a-long with me his first day, ya’ know, showin’ him the ropes. I took him on a few calls, but he seemed uninterested in anything other than the case he is currently workin’, some local boy causing trouble.” The officer continued. “He’s strange. He doesn’t feel pity, remorse, or fear and he absolutely will not stop until he finds this boy.”

                As the search for the boy continues, we asked around ourselves to see what we could dig up on his whereabouts. Sources say he has left the area with “a big guy on a bike”, likely the head of a local gang. Lucky for us, this officer is hot on the trail, and the pursuit is on!

                You might be wondering at this point if you misread the title, but no dear reader, we did indeed say “shape-shifting” police officer. “He was standing right next to me, I looked a way for less than a second, when I looked back he was a totally different guy!” An eyewitness said in an exclusive interview. “He looked just like my grandma, but then she took off in a dead sprint after a car. My grandma is 86, she can’t move that fast!” Said another local. “He changed back into a SPD officer mid chase! Man, that officer is pretty dedicated, and a master of disguise!” He continued.

                If you see this boy, contact Streator Mysteries at It’s best not to approach the officer, as it seems he is not a people person to say the least. In the meantime, we recommend you stay out of his way, and let the authorities do their job and apprehend this rebel without a clue. Hopefully he can change his ways while he is young. Remember, the future is not set. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves. It’s never too late to turn your life around youngster.

                Streator Mysteries is a nonprofit paranormal journalist organization. Our stories are based on independent investigations, anonymous sources, and eye witness accounts, thus should be taken with a grain (or shaker) of salt. For legal reasons we consider ourselves a “parody” news source, but the truth is out there if you are willing to look for it. Streator Mysteries, answering the questions nobody is asking.

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