MR. E | AUGUST 4, 2023

UFO Crashes In South Streator, Occupant In Intensive Care at Streator OSF


    Authorities responded to calls of a loud “boom” in South Streator last night, witnesses say it was some type of air craft “like nothing we have ever seen before…” Officials have yet to release an official statement about the event, but luckily for you dear reader, we have witness testimony from an anonymous first responder on the scene. This is their story (Dun-Dun)


                Late last night the call came in of a downed air craft in South Streator, the FFA has no records of any flights in the area, and original reports indicated it could be private recreational plane. However when first responders arrived they discovered a vehicle that was definitely not residential, but extra terrestrial.  Our source said they attempted to take photos, but all electronic devices went dark upon approaching the object.


                “The craft was HUGE! It some kind of metallic silver color, a color we didn’t recognize or have ever seen before, but that is the best way to describe it.” The craft appeared to be a multi passenger vehicle, yet there didn’t appear to be any doors or windows. The witness describes the scene as “eerily silent, the fire didn’t make a crackling sound… There were no sounds in the air at all!? Where did all the sounds go?”


                The first responders were then startled by a large hissing sound as part of the craft seemed to separate revealing a dark void. “It was all black inside, like a black hole or that new color, black 2.0. We couldn’t see anything inside the ship.” After a moment a single occupant, believed to be the pilot stumbled out of the craft. At first it appeared as he was injured, but sources say the pilot had been drinking before the crash.


                “He was a really weird looking dude. He must have been 11 feet tall, was really skinny with a big head and large black eyes. He didn’t have a nose or mouth, I am not sure if it was some kind of unknown genetic deformity.” The first responder describes what we in the industry call a “grey”, a type of extra-terrestrial being. Sources say the pilot is now being treated for injuries at Streator OSF.


                If the pilot was not injured, and merely drunk, one has to wonder why he was taken to OSF rather than booked by the Streator Police Department. We suspect there is more going on in that building than the public knows, but that is another story.


                Streator Mysteries is a nonprofit paranormal journalist organization. Our stories are based on independent investigations, anonymous sources, and eye witness accounts, thus should be taken with a grain (or shaker) of salt. For legal reasons we consider ourselves a “parody” news source, but the truth is out there if you are willing to look for it. Streator Mysteries, answering the questions nobody is asking.

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