MR. E | JULY 15, 2023

Streator Mysteries Vs. Kyle Mitchell ultimate boxing match!


                Streator Believers! Come one, come all! This is a match years in the making! Two Streator power houses will come to blows, in a 90 minute cage match! It’s a fight to the finish! We are not talking about Elon Musky and Mark Zuccerjerk, This is a battle for the ages: Streator Mysteries Vs. Kyle Mitchell! Catch it on pay per view, or come on down to the Powerhouse Wrestling Xtreme Arena and watch in person! Tickets go on sale next month, but the fight is sure to sell out fast so be sure to get your tickets early!

                So, how did this legendary match come to be? An anonymous donor, who we will refer to as Reginald Moneybags approached Streator Mysteries with an absurd offer, which we initially declined. However, once we were told the match would be against the legendary Kyle Mitchell, we were forced to reconsider. Especially after Mr. Moneybags doubled his offer, we would be foolish to turn down such an offer. It is likely Mr. Mitchell feels the same way. Despite the small fortune on the line, there is more at stake than a bag of Benjamins, the fight will be for the very soul of Streator! Let’s take a look at our fighters!

                Love him or hate him, chances are you have heard of Kyle Mitchell. Five foot even, weighing in at 245 pounds (according to his arrest report) and pushing 60 years old, Mitchell will have a tough fight on his hands. Despite his less than average stats, he is fueled by pure hatred for anything with Streator in the name.

                On the other hand we have Streator Mysteries! Six feet tall, 300 pounds of PURE muscle, age (and most of his other stats) unknown! Streator will have the pride of Streator on his side, as well as the unwavering support of the community. But who will come out victorious? We asked the experts!

                “It’s going to be an interesting match for sure!” An expert from the First Annual Streator Hobo Fights explains. “I have months of experience, but this will not be an easy to fight to call. Kyle is filled by pure rage, and has the crazy factor in his favor. Streator as well as the audience won’t be able to anticipate his moves. The having “Streator” in his name is not going to do Mr. Mysteries any favors either, it will likely just embolden Mitchell. A lot of these fights are fought in the mind, before they play out in the arena.”

                “On the other hand, Streator Mysteries is a world class detective and spy, proving time and time again that we don’t really know what they are capable of. The life of a “secret agent man” is sure to come with some martial arts training too. Streator Mysteries is also beloved by the community, so they will be fighting the pride of our community behind them, that kind of support can easily tip the battle in their favor. In reality, we don’t really know how this fight is going to go.”

                The fight itself will be hosted by the well known Power House Xtreme Wrestling, and as mentioned before, it will be a 90 minute cage match. In the end there will be only one winner, as a draw will not be accepted! Both contestants wills be provided with a variety of weapons ranging for water guns, to baseball bats at the 60 minute mark, to keep the fight fair and interesting. Tickets are available now for preorder, single tickets are $245, and paper view is available for $300 hosted by Gleam Tv. Linda Kay Freehill is expected to be the announcer during the fight, but this has yet to be confrimred.

                What we do know however, is the citizens of Streator are excited for this fight! It’s hard to go anywhere without hearing someone talk about it. “I really want to see Kyle get what is coming to him” One citizen says. Another has a different perspective. “I am tired of Streator Mysteries being all mysteries and junk, like, if he looses, he should have to reveal his identity, or somethin’ idk.” Mayor of Streator, Tara Bedei, has even hinted the winner will get a statue of them built in the city park, possibly replacing the statue of Col. Plumm. Whatever the case, this clearly going to be the one for the Streator history books. No doubt STHS will be learning about this match in history class for years to come.

                Streator Mysteries is a nonprofit paranormal journalist organization. Our stories are based on independent investigations, anonymous sources, and eye witness accounts, thus should be taken with a grain (or shaker) of salt. For legal reasons we consider ourselves a “parody” news source, but the truth is out there if you are willing to look for it. Streator Mysteries, answering the questions nobody is asking.

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Single Tickets - $245

Pay Per View - $300