MR. E | JULY 17, 2023

Streator Beware: What Lurks In The Fog?

                Anyone who has seen Stephen King’s The Mist, knows we are to fear the fog. Streator citizens have been drenched in fog, our skies clouded in smoke this past month, but why? Local authorities and so-called “News” sources say it’s from the Canadian wildfire, but you believer, know better!


                There are many dangers that lurk in the fog, Monsters, Ghosts, the stoner coming out of the bathroom at Thornton’s gas station, and UNIMAGINEABLE HORROR! Lucky for us, it seems we have dogged the worst of it, however our town was not left unscathed, and you may have noticed the recent change.


                It’s not our environment that was effected, but the people. Look at the person on your right, and your left, your husband or wife, or even your children, do they seem different? What if I told you they are not “your” loved ones, but belong to a different universe all together, a universe similar to ours in nearly every way, but with the slightest of changes.


                If you are familiar with the concept of quantum decoherence, you might see where we are going with this one. Some astrological events can cause a brief “rift” in our space time continuum. During these events passages often said to be clouded in heave smoke or mist can be witnessed and travelling through them will lead you unwittingly to another timeline. You may knot realize the slight differences at first, but they become apparent the closer you look. The devil is in the details in this case. Once this event ends, the passages evaporate and you are stuck in whatever world you stumbled into.


                The case in Streator is no different. Did you notice your husband or wife has been acting differently? They are not the person you married, but a variation of them. They likely feel the same about you, but somewhere out there your REAL significant other is paired with a stranger with the same face. Can we ever get “our” loved ones back?


                The problem with this scenario, also the biggest problem for Streator High School students, is Math. Stanford physicist estimate 10^10^16 parallel universes exist. We don’t know what that number means either, but it’s a LOT! Even if we could somehow journey back through the fog, would likely never be able to find our original home again. The best we can hope for is finding a universe where we are happy, and murdering the version of who lives there so we can take their place.


                However it seems the fog has passed for the time being, and it is unknown if we will ever get the opportunity to travel back to the world we came from, or send the variants of our loved ones back to their proper homes. At this point, all we can do is make the best of the situation. Can we learn to love these alternate family member? Just remember the next time a friend is acting a bit strange, beware! They may not be who you think they are, and we can never truly know their intentions.


                Streator Mysteries is a nonprofit paranormal journalist organization. Our stories are based on independent investigations, anonymous sources, and eye witness accounts, thus should be taken with a grain (or shaker) of salt. For legal reasons we consider ourselves a “parody” news source, but the truth is out there if you are willing to look for it. Streator Mysteries, answering the questions nobody is asking. 


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