MR. E | AUGUST 11, 2023

What they are not telling you about the Splash Pad at the Streator City Park


                     Anyone with children, or was a child at some point, are familiar with water parks. Luckily here in Streator we have our very own miniature water park known as the splash pad. While it offers hours of fun for children of all ages, with multiple water sprinklers, revolving sprayers, and refilling buckets ready to dump on unaware guests, the park is full of the wonder that makes childhood memories.


But when attempting to “investigate” it we were asked to leave. It seems adults are not welcome without children, even if their in appropriate attire. Some would say we just wanted to play in the water too, but as professional investigators, we do not indulge in such foolish activities, despite how much fun they may be. But after being asked to leave, we presented with a mystery. Why? Why were we asked to leave? What secrets is the splash pad holding? We don’t know, so we came up with some theories.


                THEORY # 1: The Fountain of youth. Do you ever find it strange there is mostly only kids at the splash pad? Sure, there are some adults watching them, but perhaps they are not parents,  but simply cover what is actually going on. Those are not children! They might seem like ordinary children, splashing around, having a good time, but those are full fledge elderly people (Likely from parker) basking in the youth provided to them by the secret fountain of youth below our vary feet!


                Think about it, if your family dates back to the founding of Streator, why did your ancestors pick this place in the middle of nowhere!? Perhaps there was an asset, unknown to the rest of the world. New York may have their weird pizza, and Philadelphia their cheese steaks, but our ancestors choose Streator Illinois for another reason: The coveted fountain of youth!


                THEROY #2: Secret training obstacle course. What better way to train our children for the post apocalyptic underwater future that is inevitable at this point. The reason you don’t see many adults in the splash pad is that it’s already too late for us. We lived our life, the future is for the young, and what better way to prepare them for the human-mermaid war than disguising the training facility as a fun little water park?


                But again, these are just theories. One can only guess the reason my team was exiled from the water based fun. Sure, on the surface I can see why someone would think we just wanted to play, but we were there to conduct serious business!


                Streator Mysteries is a nonprofit paranormal journalist organization. Our stories are based on independent investigations, anonymous sources, and eye witness accounts, thus should be taken with a grain (or shaker) of salt. For legal reasons we consider ourselves a “parody” news source, but the truth is out there if you are willing to look for it. Streator Mysteries, answering the questions nobody is asking.

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